Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Notes from the association meeting on June 28

Judy sends along these notes from the June 28 meeting.
"There will be a work session on the dam on Saturday, July 11, at 11:00 am. If able to help, bring chain saws, gloves , weedwackers or just your brute strength. $25 dues need to be paid by the end of August to keep voting rights. Our next meeting will be Aug. 30, at 11:00 am at Warrens house on East side.You can mail dues to me, if you cannot attend. We will be voting on the final draft of the by-laws, and also deciding if necessary to raise dues. I will be getting you all a copy of the by-laws before hand to look at. Please send any new addresses or phone numbers to me so that list can be updated as well. thanks "


  1. Does Judy have a mailing address for those needing to mail in their dues?

  2. I edited out Judy's mailing address so it wouldn't be on the Internet.
